Drake had allergy testing, which he did not enjoy to say the least. He is allergic to rag weed, dogs, dust and mold. Thankfully, he is not allergic to any trees or grasses!
The kids had art therapy from 11:00 until 12:00. They really had a good time working with clay and talking about the procedures they were going to have done. Jon and I had a parent support meeting during that time. The pediatric unit has 6 patients a week that they are doing studies on. (They also have a triage unit that was really busy today.) All of the parents that are available from those 6 patients get together with a therapist. It was so enjoyable talking to parents that we can so totally relate to. One couple was from Sublette, KS. Their 5 year old had health problems almost exactly like Kaids, so we were able to share experiences with them. A mom from Madison, Wisconsin was there. Her 18 month old has exema and major allergies. This poor baby is allergic to peanuts, wheat, dairy products, most fruits, most vegetables, all beans, and eggs. Can you even imagine? I had to ask her what her baby could eat. She said she can have turkey, chicken, potatoes, sweet potatoes and corn - but she can only have corn if she takes it with benadryl. We were all in awe of what she goes through.
Before lunch, Kaid and Drake got numbing cream put on their arms for a blood draw. Unfortunately, they couldn't find Kaid's veins. They poked him twice, with no luck. He got pretty depressed. Drake's went well, but he did not enjoy it!
Next, we had pulminary function tests for both boys with a respiratory therapist. I went with Drake, and Jon went with Kaid. This is where they are in an enclosed booth, and were given allergens to breathe in to see how "twitchy" they are. Basically, to see how easily they are set off. We will get the results tomorrow. Drake thought this test was a blast! Kaid hated it - but after his blood draw failure, he wasn't in the mood for it. Poor guy.
Next, Kaid had a successful blood draw. He was so nervous about it, because he didn't want to get poked any more than necessary! It was quick and easy - probably because we remembered to pray first! God is faithful!
Kaid and Drake were introduced to their new medication, which is advair through an inhaler. They were taught how to use it, which was pretty easy.
Our physician's assistant briefed us on the boys' cat scans next. She explained that we would meet with the entire team tomorrow at 3:00. At this time we will have more details. So, what she told us was that Drake's lungs looked pretty normal, while his sinuses had issues - though not serious. Kaid's lungs had issues, while his sinuses were fairly good - nothing extreme. I would have guessed the exact opposite.
Since Kaid had such a rough afternoon, Jon said that he could choose our restaurant tonight. So, Taco Bell it was. Yum! We ate in the hotel dining room, and it was nice to be away from the hospital and relax as a family. I did laundry while the guys swam. For once, I did not pack enough clothes! We didn't think we'd get done this soon, but it was our hope all along. We told the doctors this, and they have done everything possible to make it happen. We can't say it enough - God has so blessed us with this opportunity! Good night!
Hey guys, sounds like things are going pretty good. I'm sure it's nice to get some answers even if it means being in some crazy machines and getting poked. I'm praying for you to have a good day today and clarity in answers.
ReplyDelete- Tony