Kaid and Drake's sleep tests went really well last night. Their oxygen levels were steady, so we woke up to good news from that this morning! And, we all had a great night's sleep. Jon woke up a couple of times when the nurse came in, but the rest of us slept right through the night!
Kaid's first test today was a cat scan of his lungs and sinuses. We should get the results tomorrow. They will be the determining factor as to when we'll get done. If no abnormalities are found, we will be dismissed by noon on Tuesday. That would be the perfect situation for us, because Jon has to be back to work next Wednesday. So, if that's the case, we'll stay the weekend, and come home Tuesday.
The boys had their lung functions checked, and Kaid's numbers were better while Drake's were worse than yesterday. In fact, the doctor said that Drake needed to use his inhaler, and we would not have known that. We waited 20 minutes after his inhaler, then his upper lungs functioned at 99%! That is a percentage we have NEVER seen before! Praise God!
Next, Jon and I saw Dr. Robinson, a psychothereapist. She talks to parents and kids to see how they are handling living with a chronic illness. The kids will talk to her tomorrow. She said we were normal! No comments necessary on this topic! Moving on... :)
The kids had art therapy while we were with Dr. Robinson. Kaid made a cheeseburger out of clay, and Drake made a coffee cup. For many of you this won't be a surprise. Drake loves coffee cups because his favorite drink is hot chocolate - with marshmallows and chocolate chips! The therapist talked to them about living with asthma. They loved it!
After lunch, Drake did an exercise test with Jim. I think he is a recreational thereapist. Anyway, Drake jogged for 12 minutes (which involved some walking!) with stops every 4 minutes to check his breathing. He had a 15% drop in his scores, which shows that his asthma was affected by the exertion. This tells the doctors that he probably needs a different type of medication. They will start him on that medicine tomorrow, then he will redo the test on Monday to see if it does the trick without premedicating with an inhaler.
We have a few tests that we know will be coming up, including allergy testing, bloodwork, Kaid's exercise test. In addition to this, Kaid and I will be staying overnight in the hospital again on Friday. He will be getting the reflux test, which consists of a tube down his nose for 24 hours. Drake already looks forward to stretching out on the big hotel bed all by himself! Jon probably does too, but he's not saying!
"Normal" huh? And what is their definition of that? HMMM....did you tell them any jokes?
ReplyDeleteI posted a comment yesterday, but for some reason it didn't show up. I hope this one makes it. Sounds like things are going good. Normal, I don't think so. Love ya and lots of prayers, V