Because I have given many details throughout this blog, I will make this short and sweet. So, here are our final results!
Both boys are considered to be moderate asthmatics. We think that sounds way better than severe! Because of this diagnosis, the doctors recommend trying breathing exercises and rest before reaching for the rescue inhaler! Both boys are on 115 mg. advair inhaler - 2 puffs twice a day, saline rinses twice a day (which the doctors feel is very beneficial to everyone as it helps fight off illness), Veramist nasal spray in the morning, and xopenex rescue inhaler as needed. In addition, Drake is to use allegra as needed. Because his two biggest allergies are rag weed and dogs (all furry animals need to be avoided), the doctors feel that he does not need to be on allergy medicine every day because he may not come in contact with those 2 things daily. (although he is also allergic to dust and mold) They feel that the saline wash and Veramist will suffice. He is to start on Allegra August 1st until the end of rag weed season, and take an allegra 30 minutes before being around animals. The doctors recommended that he not stay overnight in a house with animals. Good to know! Oh, and we learned something interesting about an allergy to dogs. The allergen itself is in the dog's saliva and sweat glands, not in the fur. Kaid was pleased to know that he does NOT have reflux! That is good news! Beyond the medicine, we are to do breathing exercises 10 times a day for 2-3 months and with each cough. We are also working really hard to make sure they are getting plenty of water and good nutrition. Overall, this was an amazing experience. We feel fortunate to have had the opportunity, and hope to use what we have learned to help others. The kids look and feel better, which is so refreshing to see! We sure love these kids and rejoice with them in their blessing!
I just want to thank our family and friends for all the encouragement, support, and prayers. We met so many people along the way that helped make this a very memorable experience. It was a joy to be the first to give Todd and Kimberlee a baby gift. Praise the Lord and thank you!
The Robinsons
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